We're getting fat and happy in the wonderful La Cruz anchorage -- which only means one thing: it's about time to move on. But it got me thinking about this list:
Top 10 Reasons Anchorages are Better than Marinas
If the weather is hot and the air is still, it's exciting to know that we've got at least two high-speed dinghy rides each day, going in and out of the harbor. It's a short little burst of high speed fun where we know we will have the wind blowing through our hair -- and hopefully there is a little "Whoop!" or "Yee-haw!" uttered by one or both of us. In the marina, the dinghy is packed away, resting up for the next trip.
OK, OK, we haven't done much fishing YET, but it's nice to know that if we want to, we can throw a line over the side at any time in the hopes of catching dinner. Or we could even pull out the speargun! You can't do that very easily in a marina.
We have no problem or fear washing dishes or cooking with the salt water pumped in from the anchorage. Needless to say: you can't do that in the marina.
We've noticed here in La Cruz that on boats in the marina are much hotter in the cabin. The breeze is blocked by the jetty, which makes life just a bit more uncomfortable. In the anchorage, you're always head into the breeze, and if you open the hatches, the cool air just blows right in!
Let's face it: one basic joy of life you give up when you enter a crowded marina is privacy. Your neighbors are right there, and everyone knows everyone else's business -- and can hear each others arguments, too! Out in the anchorage, you've got the space to make as much noise as you want. Or to play the fiddle for countless hours a day without fear of bothering the neighbors. (Welcome to my world...:-)
Espiritu in the peaceful Mantachen anchorage |
Another uncomfortable fact of marina life is the fact that it can be really noisy. And if you're one of those who likes to go to bed at 8:30 (yes, sadly, I'm talking about US), make sure you're slip is not right next to the marina bar and restaurant, where the music tends to be loud, late, and blasted out into the marina. But out at anchorage, we hear nothing but the birds and the gentle lapping of the water on
Espiritu's hull.
I think this is one of the best advantages of the anchorage over the marina. Jumping into the water for a refreshing swim when the heat gets oppressive is such a joy! And it does so much for mood and morale. I have a feeling when we're summering in Central America we will be doing this a few times a day. And why not? You've got God's swimming pool right out your window! And the water's 85 degrees! Anyway, needless to say, for several reasons, you most definitely cannot do this in a marina.
OK, OK, you can still see the spectacular tropical sunsets from your boat in the marina. But out in the anchorage, we can usually see the full horizon. And we're closer to nature out here -- the fish swim right up to
Espiritu and relax in her shade, protected from the heat of the sun. The pelicans and Muscovy ducks bob and dive off of all four bows. For we are taking temporary lodging in their actual home. We are literally in their living room. And the show never stops.
2) ES EL DINERO, ESTUPIDO! (It's the money, stupid!)
It's free out here, people. Unlike the marina, where we fork out our hard earned pesos for the privilege of tying off on her docks, we're on God's dollar out here. It's all ours! For as long as we want! For FREE! We could stay right here in the perfect La Cruz marina FOREVER!
But we won't stay forever. The Call of the Wild is calling...it's calling...YOU.
OK, you guys in the marina have your hot showers, your Wi-Fi, your 24 hour security, your flat, calm sea state. And that's alright -- for SOME people. But us hardy anchorage types like it out here. Because anything can happen!
Natalie Wood could fall in the water and drown going from her boat to the dinghy in a drunken stupor, and Christopher Walken or Robert Wagner could or could not be responsible (as really happened in the anchorage on Catalina Island). We could get rammed by a whale (like our friends on
Jean Marie) or our anchor can drag, sending us careening towards the rocks (like our other friends on
But it's kinda boring in that marina. Such exciting events simply do not happen there. So we'll keep watch out here in the anchorage. Waiting...for something, anything, to happen! :-)